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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n05)
Coffee Corner - Goodbye Gazette - by Molly Dagon
posted: Mar. 10, 2006

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Goodbye Gazette

Dear Gazette Readers:

After much thought (and a lease ending in April) I have decided to move to Colorado. This means that not only will I be leaving the best coffee shop, but also the Broad Ripple Gazette. It has been such a pleasure and privilege to be able to share with you all that I know about coffee. And thank you for continuing to read my bi-weekly ramble fests (um, I mean my articles)! Writing this column has made me realize how fascinating and amazing coffee is, and how coffee has woven its way into the rituals of our daily lives. Hubbard and Cravens has been my home for a long time, and it has been a wonderful opportunity to explore and discover all that coffee (and tea) is. May you all have health, success, and fabulous coffee the rest of your days!

Molly Dagon

PS - I would also like to thank Alan Hague for taking a chance on an unknown kid just dying to write, and write about anything at that!
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