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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n03)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: Feb. 10, 2006

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"Israel is a small country, but it is the world's largest museum." That was what our guide told us in 1994 while we were touring the country. He was right! It seemed every time we turned the corner, there was a historical sight or an excavation sight. I was fascinated at every turn.
To walk in places I had read about all my life was a powerful feeling. The sea of Galilee, and the city of Jerusalem touched my soul in ways that I cannot fully put into words.
I walked in Abraham's and David's steps, and also got to walk where Jesus was born, taught, and lived out His ministry. I also had meaningful conversations talking to the people and sharing what my faith meant to me, and how seeing this country and sharing in their culture taught me so much.
Bishop Michael Coyner of the South Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church is leading a trip in February 2007. The trip is being put together by Educational Opportunities, an organization that has hosted trips for more than 30 years. The chance to be able to visit this incredible land is literally a life changing experience.
If you have an interest in seeing the land where Jesus lived out His calling, just contact the church and we'll be happy to provide all the details.

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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