Broad Ripple Random Ripplings
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Broad Ripple Random Ripplings Deadlines

DeadlineIssue DateIssue date range
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Jun. 17, 2024Jun. 20, 2024Jun. 20 - Jul. 10, 2024 (3-week issue)
Jul. 8, 2024Jul. 11, 2024Jul. 11 - Jul. 24, 2024
Jul. 22, 2024Jul. 25, 2024Jul. 25 - Aug. 7, 2024
Aug. 5, 2024Aug. 8, 2024Aug. 8 - Aug. 21, 2024
Aug. 19, 2024Aug. 22, 2024Aug. 22 - Sep. 4, 2024
Sep. 2, 2024Sep. 5, 2024Sep. 5 - Sep. 18, 2024
Sep. 16, 2024Sep. 5, 2024Sep. 19 - Oct. 2, 2024
Sep. 30, 2024Sep. 5, 2024Oct. 3 - Oct. 16, 2024
Oct. 14, 2024Oct. 17, 2024Oct. 17 - Oct. 30, 2024
Oct. 25, 2024Oct. 31, 2024Oct. 31 - Nov. 21, 2024 (3-week issue)
Nov. 18, 2024Nov. 22, 2024Nov. 22 - Dec. 4, 2024
Dec. 2, 2024Dec. 5, 2024Dec. 5 - Dec. 18, 2024
Dec. 16, 2024Dec. 19, 2024Dec. 19 - Jan. 9, 2025 (3-week issue)

All dates subject to change without notice