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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #35
posted: Dec. 14, 2023

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Part Thirty-Five

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

After Grandma moved to Castleton we always went after her for church & took her home afterwards. The Clintons who lived across the road from us had a big collie dog that used to come back after they moved to Fishers and often when we were down at Grandma's or at church we would go out and find him laying under our car. How he knew where Grandma lived or which was our car at church was a mystery to us. He finally committed suicide - stood on the railroad track in Fishers and let a car hit him.
In Nov. 1930 I was again having gall bladder trouble. I had been bothered with it since being pregnant with Cac and every 3 or 4 months had a round of it. We had a series of x-rays made that didn't help much. One Sat. night we decided to go into Broad Ripple and see Dr. Lee [could be Dr. Delzie Lee at 6281 College Avenue]- the folk's doctor - as I had felt so bad for several days & McFarlin wasn't doing much for me. I came home, kept feeling worse so about midnight we called Dr. Lee out and he said there was only one course to take and that was to go to the hospital. I went in on Sunday morning. That was an embarrassing situation as we had been doctoring with Dr. McFarlin and had no idea of going to the hospital in a few hours when we went to Dr. Lee. I was in the hospital a week before the operation and two weeks afterward.
Children could visit then and so came in several times. After I had been there a week Cac was so homesick for her mother she came in on Saturday and stayed all day with me and then almost cried herself sick when she had to leave. Aunt Nola stayed with the children one week and Aunt Lottie the rest of the time. I can still see the letter Cac wrote telling me "Aunt Lottie is now mashing the potatoes" and that Russ wouldn't change his clothes after school, etc. I was in bed a couple of weeks after I went home and Dell Beaver stayed with us (That was Jessie Leonard's mother). That is quite a change from the present routine when a patient is up after a day or so and has a much faster recuperation. Dell was a good old soul but she never fixed food so it was attractive or like we did but at least we made out with her help and real thankful to have her.

          end of part thirty-five
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