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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #34
posted: Nov. 30, 2023

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Part Thirty-Four

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

After Grandpa Roberts had been gone about a year or so, Grandma decided she wanted her own home again and moved to Castleton. She lived first where Berts had lived where Ida Belle & Warren live now and later moved to a smaller house the 2nd one east of there, She had a picture in the living room of 2 men or 2 boys loading hay. She made up a story one time for Russie telling him that was Uncle Jesse & his daddy. We never any more than got inside the door until Russie wanted to see that picture and hear the story about Uncle Jesse and Daddy. The next thing was something to eat no matter when he had eaten or how much. We went down to Grandma's one evening and she made a little kimono costume for Cac for a school play. She was apparently feeling extra good and we talked & laughed and had such a nice evening. The next morning about 6 o'clock Bernice Brooks, a teacher who was staying there that winter called and said she thought Grandma was pretty sick as she was complaining of such a terrible headache. We went down immediately and found her unconscious. She died about 9 o'clock that morning having had a stroke. Her house was so small and after much discussion they decided to take her to our house and the funeral was held there. Her death was a real loss for me after being without my mother so long. I appreciated the 10 years I had with Grandma Roberts and loved her dearly.
The children all met one day soon after to divide things at the house. Each one took back the thing they had given Grandma, a great many of which had never been used. Russell had given her 12 Haviland China plates that I would have loved to have had but the girls - Aunt Lottie and Aunt Alice wanted them so we kept still. I remember one incident that was strange. Grandpa had a lovely cameo ring and when we divided things no one knew where it was or what happened to it. We had Bernice Brooks, the teacher, up for supper one evening and shortly afterwards, in cleaning, I found the ring in a vase on the piano. The vase was one that had come from Grandmas. We always wondered if it had been there all the time which wasn't likely or if in some mysterious way it found its way back. It was given to Harry and if I'm not mistaken, passed on to Harriet.
When Grandpa Roberts died he was buried in the little campground cemetery west of 37A (this would be Allisonville Road today) on 75th St. Grandma decided she would like to have him & twin babies who died in 1901, named Ruby & Rhue, moved to Union Chapel so the change was made and they are all at Union Chapel.
[Union Chapel Cemetery is located at about about 83rd and Keystone. Many Broad Ripple graves are there. Your editor manages the website and it has a grave search feature.]

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