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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #18
posted: Apr. 06, 2023

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Part Eighteen

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

I went to Blaker's Normal School for 12 weeks the summer after I graduated and Edith stayed home to help Nora. That fall I taught school at Allisonville driving a horse and buggy back and forth. I was used to that as Edith and I had driven to High School having a little barn down in the corner of the school yard for our horse. Chester Negley's brother used part of the barn and fed our horse at noon along with his. Edith always did the driving and we had some pretty precarious times, as when we drove Prince who was Glen's horse and would take off racing on a moments notice if someone came from behind and Prince [tliot] (indecipherable on p. 19) they were going around and he decided they weren't. Then Old Maude was a steady bub she was frightened by trains when we met them in Vertland on the road running parallel to the tracks in front of where the Chipmans live. It was always a difficult situation when we accidentally met a train there. I don't remember which horse I drove to Allisonville but I had a shed there and unhitched the horse and tied it in the shed then if one of the older boys hadn't built the fire in the school house I had to get it going and warm up the building.
[margin] I had passed the teacher's exam and had my teachers license before I went to Blakers. I made $65 a month and 5.00 janitor fees the yr I was at Allisonville.

          end of part eighteen
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