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Right in my Own Backyard - Feed the Birds-Not the Ducks! - by Brandt Carter
posted: Feb. 09, 2023

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Feed the Birds-Not the Ducks!
Walking along the canal in Broad Ripple is interesting in the winter months. There are many varieties of ducks that live on the canal, seeking unfrozen water and food from the habitat. Some have decided to stay at the "easy eatery" rather than migrate. There are those that rather resemble Big Bird - needing to shed a few pounds.
Perhaps ducks have rushed you to beg for food or maybe you've observed people tossing bread, cereal or other stale carbs to ducks, apparently thinking this is helping Mother Nature. Wrong! Most naturalists and wildlife experts are in full agreement: Do not feed the ducks. I repeat, do not feed the ducks! They are quite capable of finding their own food and, if left to fend as nature intended, will move to new habitats that are more desirable or migrate thus keeping duck populations under control.
Did you know that in 1996, local naturalists and environmentalists relocated ducks and geese due to overcrowding and traffic concerns? This overcrowding may have been caused by feeding our canal friends. But let me point out some data from that really brought the issue of NOT FEEDING DUCKS to this column:

  1. Feeding ducks attracts rats, pests and predators.
  2. Rotting food pollutes the water and breeds deadly diseases and parasites...
    • A single outbreak of Duck Virus Enteritis (caused by artificial feeding) kills all of the ducks
    • Uneaten food quickly forms a deadly mold called Aspergillus; fatal to ducks without early diagnosis and expensive treatment
    • Avian Botulism kills entire waterfowl populations and hospitalizes people.
  3. Ducks defecate at the site of scattered food or bread, bacteria in feces creates much higher risks for illness or disease.
  4. Most waterfowl die-offs in the past 10 years have been attributed to artificial feeding.
  5. Food waste bobbing on the water's edge is ugly.
  6. Ducks that are overfed create dangerous amounts of waste that harms fish and other animals living in ponds and can become sluggish and even flightless because of being overweight.

Feeding ducks can cause overcrowding of the duck population and their delayed or canceled migration plans. Ducks that should have migrated are often seen on the canal because of human feeding. One last caution is: don't throw coins in the areas where ducks live. They scour the canal bottom and could ingest the coin. There is enough zinc in a single penny to kill a duck.
Remember for every person that is seen feeding ducks there are many you don't see. So if you are walking on the canal, ask those folks who haven't read this article not to feed the duck. Educate them and hopefully we will always have a healthy duck population that has been synonymous with Broad Ripple. Remember that respecting and protecting ducks means not feeding them. PLEASE, DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS! Be content with simply identifying and enjoying them. You may see there's plenty of satisfaction to be found in simply observing.

Right in my Own Backyard - Feed the Birds-Not the Ducks! - by Brandt Carter

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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