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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #11
posted: Dec. 15, 2022

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Part Eleven

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

Later Lowell and Nitha moved to Bell Street in Indianapolis and it was a treat to spend a few days there and go shopping. Bell Street is off of east Michigan and surely not a very glamorous place now, but then it was different to us at least.
November 25, 1912 Girstle Edith and I went to school as usual. Glen was working with a well digging outfit on the Thomas Herrin place where Mabel owns now where Bennie and Aline lived across from the Zooks house. Vern Krause came flying in to the school yard asking for us children, telling us our mother was very ill and we were to go home at once. I believe he took us home. We reached home to learn our mother had passed away after having a stroke while she was doing the laundry. Vern went after Glen and Nitha and Lowell come out on the train that night. I remember the house being filled with friends, neighbors, relatives, etc. She died on a Monday and was buried on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Her funeral was at the little brick church which was used before the one which the road took. Then the church bell was tolled the number of times corresponding to the age of the person who had passed away and as we drove up to the church the bell was ringing. It was a cold snowy day, 10 below. The only thing I remember of the service was the song "Nearer my God to Thee" and I never hear it that I don't remember that day. When we reached Union Chapel they had the church warm and we went in before returning home. To warm up. I'll never forget that day after going back home. I cried the whole afternoon and everyone tried to comfort us but we had started a new kind of living. We kept one bouquet of large yellow chrysanthemums the first I ever remember seeing that were so large. The bedroom the boys use now was not often heated and those flowers kept for days in there for a long time.
I have never forgotten a dream I had shortly after mothers death. I thought that she came back and would stay as long as no one touched her. You can imagine how hard that was when we were all so happy to see her again. When I woke up the next morning that dream was so real and stayed with me for a long time - in fact I never forgot it.

          end of part eleven
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