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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #10
posted: Dec. 01, 2022

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Part Ten

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

Nitha quit school in the eighth grade. In those days high school wasn't thought of as an essential and you didn't have to even be 16 to drop out. I don't remember what she did after quitting but I do remember Grandpa Hague giving her a watch for her 16th birthday. She was dating Lowell Wadsworth and they decided to get married June 7, 1911. She would be 20 in July and Lowell was 21 in May. They were having a home wedding. The household was in a state of turmoil for several weeks preparing for the big event. The dressmaker came to the house to sew and one day Nitha fainted during the process of having a dress fitted when she had to stand too long. The wedding was to be on the 3 cornered porch that led to the living room and dining room doors. Edith and I were to be attendants in a way as we were then 12 years old and stood on the steps one on each side. We learned late that one stood on one step below the other. The guests were seated in the yard. I only remember the olives and pressed chicken sandwiches that were served at the reception although there was other food I'm sure. We ate olives for a long time after the wedding, in fact I'm sure that was when I learned to like them. When the wedding was over and all that it entailed I had decided I's never go through that again and which I flatly refused to do when offered a wedding by my father. By then I had a step mother and I knew she would never put into an event of that kind what my mother did. Lowell and Nitha went to Oakland City for their honeymoon and were to return on a certain day. Then, the bride groom's parents had a dinner for the newlyweds when they returned and the bride's parents and family were invited. Lowell and Nitha were supposed to be in on the train at noon but somewhere missed connections and arrived on the 6 o'clock train after the "infair" dinner as it was called, was already eaten. Lelia Woods brother Herschel and I spent the afternoon seeing which one could consume the most water during the afternoon and both ended up not feeling so very good. The Wadsworths went to housekeeping in a little house north of the school house which has been demolished presently. That house is now part of Janet and Harry Messersmith's house [from city directory - Harry A (Janet) Rural Delivery 19 Box 459 Indpls]. That fall Nitha lost a baby and mother stayed with her for several days. We girls were in school close by and visited every day at noon and really missed having her home.
[margin] I remember the new gray hat with a little plume and gray coat my mother had that fall and looked so attractive in. She was 41 when she died. She had lots of black hair which she wore in a big knot on top of her head and a rather swarthy complexion.

          end of part ten
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