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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #3
posted: Aug. 18, 2022

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Part Three

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

Melinda Cox, Clarice Jeanette Williams' grandmother stayed at Grandpas too. She was fair at times, but had a moody disposition and was a difficult person to live with and understand. She dyed her hair and for a day or so after doing that her hair was purple, gradually turning black. She wasn't one of our "favorites".
Bertha Brunson, a Castleton widow stayed one winter. She had a daughter Norma our age, and a son Nolan who was younger. We had fun that year in the big barn with swings that were fastened on a beam in the middle and which cleared the drive way the length of the barn. We had our club house out there and loved the big hay lofts, etc.
Jessie Leonard and her father and mother Simon and Dell Beaver stayed one winter and we had good times, too. Grandpa spent several winters in Florida and good help that was dependable was required.
[margin] We could stay all day but when evening came we were ready to go home - which we usually did.
Grandpa had peacocks come in once that stayed on. They were gorgeous when they spread their tail feathers and strutted around.
We had many pleasant days visiting at Grandpa's. He had large sewer tile in the lot west of the house and we spent hours walking on them as they rolled. A big orchard furnished the best sweet apples we ever ate along with Ben Davis and Jonathan's, maiden blush and many varieties. In winter the brick insulated fruit house was filled with apples, potatoes, onions and other vegetables. Attached to the fruit house was the milk house which had a large cement trough and the water ran through it every time the pump on the back porch was used, keeping the house cool. Butter, milk and other perishables were stored there, since refrigeration of any kind were not yet being used.

          end of part three
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