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New BRVA Executive Director - by Mario Morone
by Mario Morone
posted: May 13, 2021

Summer Keown was recently chosen as Executive Director of the Broad Ripple Village Association. She recently discussed her prior work and her vision for the area.

Summer Keown is Broad Ripple Village Association's new Executive Director.
Summer Keown is Broad Ripple Village Association's new Executive Director.
image courtesy of Mario Morone

"My background is in non-profit management and event planning, both of which fit very well in this role. I get to work with a lot of different business and residents. I am excited to learn from these sectors of what people want. It brings together all the different things I've done over my career. I've worked for the Downtown Ithaca Alliance (in Ithaca, NY), IndyHumane, Earth Day Indiana, and the 2012 Indianapolis Super Bowl Host Committee. Prior to moving into the nonprofit sector, I worked at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management for seven years. My educational background is a Master of Public Affairs (MPA) with a concentration in Policy Analysis from IUPUI and a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Public Affairs from Indiana University Bloomington. I am just now starting my second month at BRVA, but my goal is to get to know as many people and business owners as I can to see what they want in the future of Broad Ripple," she explained.
She is implementing a transition to regular occurring happenings as the pandemic shows signs of slowing. "We are planning the return of several events this year. Those include the Duck Race on Sunday, August 29 at 4:30 p.m. (A festival is scheduled from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.), the Ripple Effect 5K, currently planned for late September, the Home Tour (also in September), and Lights Up in December. We are also interested in bringing back the monthly Art Walk, but we have not confirmed yet when it will return," Ms. Keown noted.
"We are also working on the summer Farmers Market ( that will began on Saturday, May 1st. It is currently Saturdays at Second Presbyterian Church at 77th and Meridian Street, from 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. The BRVA calendar event tab (!calendar) will have future events scheduled as well. Broad Ripple has been part of my life since the 1990s. When I was a teenager growing up in Carmel, I would beg my parents to drive me to Broad Ripple so I could hang out with my friends by the bridge and shop in the Village. It was the coolest place in Indy, and I think it still is. Since then, I've spent hours upon hours in the Village enjoying food and live music, walking and biking the trails and the park, enjoying the shops, and spending time with my family and friends. Broad Ripple is such a unique community, and it's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to work with Broad Ripple's residents and businesses to continue the community's vision forward," she said.
"The Broad Ripple Village Association office is open Tuesday afternoon from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Thursday morning from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. We have a variety of merchandise available for sale, like t-shirts, cozies, insulated bags, glasses, masks, key chains and commemorative ducks (from the annual Duck Race). Masks and the insulated bags are also sold at the Farmer's Market. I am here at the BRVA office most days. Give me a me a call at (317) 251-BRVA (2782), e-mail: or stop by. Our address is 818 Broad Ripple Avenue," she mentioned.

A variety of merchandise is available for sale at the BRVA office.
A variety of merchandise is available for sale at the BRVA office.
image courtesy of Mario Morone

"As we have more information, we'll share it with the public in social media and at future public meetings," Ms. Keown added.
In conclusion, she emphasized, "I hope that any of your readers who want to stop by and chat, or meet virtually or by phone, will reach out to say hello. Everyone I've met so far has been incredibly helpful with bringing me up to speed on their vision for Broad Ripple."
As springtime arrives, new BRVA Executive Director Summer Keown and their committee will create their vision for Broad Ripple Village as they welcome back long-time neighbors and visitors new to the area.
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