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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v11n01)
Right in my Own Backyard - If I Had a Million Dollars - by Brandt Carter
posted: Jan. 10, 2014

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If I Had a Million Dollars
Turning the calendar to a new year in Indiana usually comes amid short daylight hours, cold, and snow. So I like to stoke the fire, get a warm cup of coffee, and snuggle under an afghan to anticipate possibilities for the year ahead and take stock of the last year. This hibernation also lets me catch up on classic films. Watching How to Marry a Millionaire with Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe, and Lauren Bacall again, I found myself wondering how the word "millionaire" became synonymous with the good life.
As a child I watched the television show The Millionaire in which Michael Anthony, played by Marvin Miller, indulged in the pleasure of giving away one million dollars to persons he had never met., and I listened to the song I Found a Million Dollar Baby by Bing Crosby. More recent millionaire-titled entertainment comes to mind too, the acclaimed movie Slumdog Millionaire and the popular quiz TV show Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
All these "millionaire" references connected to one of my favorite dinner parties last year. I asked guests to answer the question, "If you had could give away $1,000,000, who would you give it to (yourself excluded)?" Letting people dare to dream over dessert proved ever so interesting.
The answers were quite enlightening: local nonprofits to global causes, relief for human suffering to rescue for helpless animals, causes in which folks were already involved to ones in which they would like to become active. . . all responses had one thing in common- gifts would make the world better. That simple question illuminated what was important to each of us. I think we came to appreciate our friendship more. That evening stays with me still.
I had told my guests I would give my million to Canine Companions for Independence, a service dog program that provides exceptional dogs for people with disabilities not related to sight. That declaration changed my last year. While I didn't have a million dollars to give, I could get started on the goal of giving what is possible for me. I re-engaged with the Indy group of Canine Companions for Independence and started helping with fundraisers. I also initiated two new fundraisers - not my million dollar philanthropy dream but a start.
The idea I want to leave with you is to ask yourself the question, "If I had a $1,000,000 to give away, what would I do?" I hope this will jump start your imagination and encourage you to step out and act on your values. We have all heard "For it is in giving that we receive." Another favorite saying I have on my desk is "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains immortal," a quote of Albert Pike.
So as 2014 begins, I encourage you to ask yourself this simple question and then take action. Whether it is a small step or a huge gift, you can make a difference.
A bit of trivia:
The one million dollars given away on The Millionaire back in 1955 would be equal to $2,834,296 in 2013 dollars.
Happy New Year!

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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