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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n20)
Right in my Own Backyard - Indiana History Trivia - by Brandt Carter
posted: Sept. 30, 2011

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Indiana History Trivia

I have always been told that knowing history helps you understand the present and, hopefully, avoid repeating past mistakes. Robert Penn Warren said, "History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give a fuller understanding of ourselves, and our common humanity, so that we can better face the future."
That said, how about an Indiana history quiz? It's fun to see how much we know about our history and how much we can continue to learn. Some questions are easy and some may take a bit of research... so let's begin.

1. How many counties form the state of Indiana?
2. Before Indiana became the state we know, what four present-day states made up the Indiana Territory?
3. From east to west, how wide is Indiana?
4. What three cities have served as capitol of the Indiana territory and Indiana?
5. How many different stagecoach lines ran through Indiana on the National Road (U.S. Interstate 40)?
6. What kind of trees are pictured on the right side of the state seal of Indiana?
7. What was the Indiana state flower in the 1940?
8. In the mid-1800s, canals were dug as routes for transportation. What made this transport mode obsolete?
9. How many senators serve a four-year term in the Indiana State Senate?
10. How many representatives serve a two-year term in the Indiana House of Representatives?
11. In what year did the General Assembly designate Indianapolis as the state's capitol?
12. What year was Broad Ripple established?
13. What two villages merged to be the Broad Ripple we know today?
14. When did the Vogue Theater open?
15. Built in 1917, what was the name of the amusement park that had the first carousel in Broad Ripple?

Even if you had to look at some of the answers doing so now makes you a more knowledgeable Hoosier. Congratulations and keep learning about our fine state!

1. 92, 2. Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, & Indiana, 3. 160 miles, 4. Vincennes, Corydon, Indianapolis, 5. 12, 6. Sycamore trees, 7. Zinnia, 8. Railroads, 9. 50, 10. 100, 11. 1824, 12. 1836, 13. Wellington and Broad Ripple, 14. June 18, 1938, 15. White City Amusement Park

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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