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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v02n10)
Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
posted: May 13, 2005

by Candance Lasco
In 1976, Lobraico's was still open, the Vogue was not yet a night club and Johnny Rutherford won the Indy 500. That year Peyton Manning was born, and so was Broad Ripple's Multi Media Art Supply and Custom Framing.

Multi Media Art Supply & Custom Framing the place to go for supplies in Broad Ripple.
Multi Media Art Supply & Custom Framing the place to go for supplies in Broad Ripple.
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media was started by Broad Ripple resident Mike McCune at the suggestion of his sister, Joyce Sommers. The opening of the store coincided with the opening of the original Indianapolis Art League (now IAC). Joyce was taking classes there, and was also volunteer president. She saw a market for artists and students to buy their supplies. She was instrumental in growing the Art Center, and in turn Mike grew Multi Media.
Mike is a native. His father ran Mac's Cafeteria on 46th between Crittendon and Norwaldo. A 1962 Broad Ripple High School graduate, he worked in the area for many years. (Some readers might remember Mike working at Vonnegut's Hardware.) After a stint in the Air Force, he secured a position as manager of Colonial Liquors, which is now 21st Amendment. Mike was considering opening a book store, but his sister persuaded him to enter the art material business instead.
The store has had three locations, and it has expanded with each move. From the original store at 6551 Carrollton, Multi Media moved to 720 East 65th. In 1986 Mike moved the store to its present location at 6507 College.
Multi Media has found it difficult to keep pace with the chains and big box stores, so it has found a niche: new, innovative and quality products. Students and artists are frequent customers, but crafters and beginners will enjoy exploring the supplies as well. In addition to materials, Multi Media provides custom framing. According to Mike, the shop will "frame anything that doesn't fight back". Many businesses and artists use the framing services at Multi Media. For example, all of the pictures of the past BRHS pricipals that hang in the school were framed by Mike.

Michael McCune working the cash register
Michael McCune working the cash register
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media is cozy, and every available space is crammed with merchandise. It carries Golden Acrylic brand paints, Gamblin oils, and Schmincke premium products, including Mussini pastels. A nook is filled with canvas. In addition to stretched canvas, you will find bolts of canvas that can be cut to size. Large selections of brushes are displayed; one shelf contains sketch books of every variety. Watercolors are there, as well as charcoal. Need a figure model or a color wheel? No problem.
When you look around Multi Media, what really stands out is their paper. Not ordinary drawing papers, which are also available, but decorative papers. Paper samples are everywhere, and stands are filled with every color imaginable. Hanging from the ceiling are squares of unique patterns. Creating a picnic invitation? An orange paper covered with tiny ants fits the bill. There are papers with dragonflies and papers that sparkle. Papers with leaves and fine papers for that special announcement. Creating a unique lamp shade for a special room? You are likely to find just the right paper here. Bookmakers and collage creators can explore a wealth of ideas.
Mike is there every day, and at his right hand is Robin Allen. Robin always wanted to live in the 46220 zip code, loves walking on the trail to work and appreciates the progressive atmosphere she finds in the Village. Mike says he is proud to be known as a curmudgeon, but any guy that says he did not start a web site because he couldn't personally interact with customers may only be a curmudgeon in disguise.

Robin picks out a picture frame from the sample wall.
Robin picks out a picture frame from the sample wall.
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Personal service is not an empty phrase at Multi Media. Mike and Robin will not leave you wandering the aisles wondering what you need. They know, for example, the difference between Alizarin Crimson and Cadmium Barium Red. Even if you want to learn about clay board, they will explain. Multi Media's windows proclaim, Let us inspire you. Make art! Stop in and be motivated to create.

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

Multi Media Art Supply: Supplying Artists Since 1976 - by Candance Lasco
image courtesy of Candance Lasco

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